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Captura de Tela 2024-09-30 às 11.05.32.png


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Master Bungalow
76 m²

The 76 m² suites were designed for your greatest privacy and comfort. They have a spacious and private balcony overlooking the Atlantic Forest. They accommodate up to 4 people.

flower symbols to represent Hotel Fazenda Morros Verdes Ecolodge in Ibiúna SP


The Atlantic Forest is one of the most respectable tropical forests in the world. As a result, it holds the greatest biodiversity on earth. And where there is a multitude of fauna and flora, there is water in profusion. From springs to waterfalls, each natural scene is a gift.

Espaço Flexível

Configurações adaptáveis para meditações, aulas de yoga, workshops e imersões corporativas.

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Design diferenciado

A estrutura geodésica circular promove um fluxo de energia natural e um ambiente de equilíbrio e acolhimento.

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Tecnologia Sustentável

Iluminação natural e ventilação eficiente, minimizando o consumo de energia elétrica.

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Localização Privilegiada

Em meio a 300 hectares de Mata Atlântica preservada, proporcionando uma experiência imersiva e revitalizante.

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Master Bungalow 76 m²

flower symbols to represent Hotel Fazenda Morros Verdes Ecolodge in Ibiúna SP

Master Bungalow 76 m²

The Master Bungalow offers luxury and comfort with a spacious bedroom, large and complete bathroom, terrace with views of the Atlantic Forest, air conditioning, cable TV and three beds, providing a memorable and relaxing stay.

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